I don't think the show has made ghost hunting look like a joke. I believe
they bring credibility to the field. I'm not a ghost hunter, but I find the
subject, as far as tv is concerned, interesting and entertaining. Most of
the other shows on the subject are ridiculous. For example, most orbs are
particles of dust or rain/mist illuminated by camera flash. However most
hunters think they are paranormal. Lol. I seriously doubt it. Wishful
thinking. In contrast, Ghost Hunters look for more than bits of dust
floating in the air. And, refreshingly, dismiss orbs. They actually make
every attempt to give natural explanations for evidence they capture. The
stuff that defies explanation is fascinating. In a nutshell, it's an
excellent show. Just checked the Scifi site. New shows are coming in 2007.
Post by Complete Paranormal Research (CPR)I think the show may be nearing it's inevitable end. That show (and
that team) has made ghost hunting look like a joke - a task that the
homeowner's can simply do themselves. Once someone watches the show,
they can spend a few bucks at a BestBuy and do the job without anyone's
help. Nice run - but Ghost Hunters is done.
Post by GibsonDanI remember the preview for the next new episode that never aired. I was
disappointed when a repeat was shown. Don't know what's up with that.
Later I'll check out the SciFi site and try to get info on upcoming shows.
Post by Kenneth N. HamamotoI feel the same way. Sci-fi had the "great" idea to split the seasons in
half. I thought the next episode was going to be on this week. They even
had a teaser at the end of the last episode. What's crazy is that the
teaser is for an episode 2-3 months from now.
Post by GibsonDanSciFi's Ghost Hunters season was way too short this year! It was only on
for a month or two. Anyone know why? I looked forward to watching it
every Wednesday night. Now it's in reruns already. Just can't believe